ballerinax/aws.sqs Ballerina library


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Ballerina Amazon SQS Connector

Amazon SQS Connector allows you to connect to the Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) via REST API from Ballerina.

Key Features of Amazon SQS

  • Manage queues
  • Manage messages

Connector Overview

The Amazon SQS Connector allows you to access the Amazon SQS REST API through Ballerina. The following sections provide the details on client operations.

Client Operations Connector contains operations that create and delete queue, send messages, receive messages and delete messages in a queue.



Ballerina Language VersionsAmazon SQS API version
Swan Lake Beta 32012-11-05

The following sections provide you with information on how to use the Ballerina Amazon SQS connector.

Contribute to development

Clone the repository by running the following command

git clone

Signing Up for AWS

  1. Navigate to Amazon, and then click Create an AWS Account.

    Note: If you previously signed in to the AWS Management Console using the root user credentials of the AWS account, click Sign in to use a different account. If you previously signed in to the console using the IAM credentials, sign in using the credentials of the root account.

  2. Click Create a new AWS account and follow the given instructions.

Follow the method explained below to obtain AWS credentials.

Obtaining Access Key ID and Secret Access Key to Run the Sample

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Users.
  3. Choose the name of the user whose access keys you want to create, and then choose the Security credentials tab.
  4. In the Access keys section, choose Create access key.
  5. To view the new access key pair, choose Show. You will not have access to the secret access key again after this dialog box closes. Your credentials will look something like this:
    • Secret access key: wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY

For more information please visit .

Running Tests
  1. Create Config.toml file in module-ballerinax-aws.s3 with the following configurations and provide appropriate value.
accessKeyId = "testAccessKeyValue"
secretAccessKey = "testSecretAccessKeyValue"
region = "testRegion"
accountNumber = "testAccountNumber"
  1. Navigate to the module-ballerinax-aws.sqs directory.
  2. Run tests :
bal test

Import the AWS SQS module

First, import the ballerinax/aws.sqs module into the Ballerina project.

import ballerinax/aws.sqs;

Initialize the AWS SQS Client giving necessary credentials

You can now enter the credentials in the SQS client configuration and create SQS client by passing the configuration:

sqs:Configuration configuration = {
    accessKey: "<ACCESS_KEY_ID>",
    secretKey: "<SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>",
    region: "<REGION>",
    accountNumber: "<ACCOUNT_NUMBER>"

sqs:Client sqsClient = check new (configuration);

If you want to add your own key store to define the secureSocketConfig, change the SQS configuration as mentioned below.

sqs:Configuration configuration = {
    accessKey: "<ACCESS_KEY_ID>",
    secretKey: "<SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>",
    region: "<REGION>",
    accountNumber: "<ACCOUNT_NUMBER>",
    secureSocketConfig: {
        trustStore: {
            path: "<TRUSTSTORE_PATH>",
            password: "<TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD>"

Creating a SQS Queue

You can create a queue in SQS as follows with createQueue method for a preferred queue name and the required set of attributes. Successful creation returns the created queue URL as a string and the error cases returns an error object.

map<string> attributes = {};
attributes["VisibilityTimeout"] = "400";
attributes["FifoQueue"] = "true";

string|error response = sqsClient->createQueue("demo.fifo", attributes);
if (response is string) {
    log:printInfo("Created queue URL: " + response);

Sending a Message to a SQS Queue

You can send a message to SQS as follows with sendMessage method. Use message to be sent, appropriate attribute parameters for the queue, and the path to the queue from AWS host address as parameters to the operation. Successful send operation returns an OutboundMessage object and the error cases return an error object.

map<string> attributes = {};
attributes["MessageDeduplicationId"] = "duplicationID1";
attributes["MessageGroupId"] = "groupID1";
attributes["MessageAttribute.1.Name"] = "Name1";
attributes["MessageAttribute.1.Value.StringValue"] = "Value1";
attributes["MessageAttribute.1.Value.DataType"] = "String";
attributes["MessageAttribute.2.Name"] = "Name2";
attributes["MessageAttribute.2.Value.StringValue"] = "Value2";
attributes["MessageAttribute.2.Value.DataType"] = "String";
string queueUrl = "";
sqs:OutboundMessage|error response = sqsClient->sendMessage("Sample text message.", "/123456789012/demo.fifo",
if (response is sqs:OutboundMessage) {
    log:printInfo("Sent message to SQS. MessageID: " + response.messageId);

Receiving a Message from the SQS Queue

A sent message can be received with receiveMessage method. The path to the queue from the AWS host address and appropriate attribute parameters should be used as the parameters for the operation. A successful receive operation returns an array of InboundMessage objects, each containing the message and the receiptHandler, while the error cases returns an error object.

string[] attributeNames = ["SenderId"];
string[] messageAttributeNames = ["Name2"];
sqs:InboundMessage[]|error response = sqsClient->receiveMessage("/123456789012/demo.fifo", 1, 600, 2, attributeNames, messageAttributeNames);
if (response is sqs:InboundMessage[]) {
    log:printInfo("Successfully received the message. Message body of the first message: " + response[0].body);
    log:printInfo("\nReceipt Handle: " + response[0].receiptHandle);

Deleting a Message from the SQS Queue

A received message should be deleted with the deleteMessage method within VisibilityTimeout number of seconds, providing the received receiptHandler string. A successful delete operation returns a boolean value true and the error cases return a false value or an error object.

error? response = sqsClient->deleteMessage("/123456789012/demo.fifo", "AQEBnLBA/U5jSFADa0ZxCq2qCwpYE3biqcWOUrjzci0tB6LXG1Jyt4IZm8330mmghWuBeCovsXEiphTSXgkz2zNQFnnD/oSBnvAy8XTfA0hscepBMS2sdA81L/jNmR4mVl3dERQwwT1oJM4S2NwjXMGdjmERn/h8jok39ucnlSMJBfbPMUQ1VSHv7WCUheR/DHpVPhGlk2s5mUfAgmF5/srFsSr2NQmDG61wdNiU9LQgH3QR45c7KRtpepeyGAPKejqpKA0bPj6aw3oXSUOqNXAJmg==");
if (response is ()) {
    log:printInfo("Successfully deleted the message from the queue.");

Deleting SQS Queue

A queue should be deleted with the deleteQueue method. A successful delete operation returns a boolean value true and the error cases return a false value or an error object.

error? response = sqsClient->deleteQueue("/123456789012/demo.fifo");
if (response is ()) {
    log:printInfo("Successfully deleted the queue.");

Samples are available at : To run a sample, create a new TOML file with name Config.toml in the same directory as the .bal file with above-mentioned configurable values.

Managing SQS Standard Queue

This example describes how an SQS Standard Queue is created, a message is sent to it, received from the queue, and deleted from the queue.

import ballerina/log;
import ballerinax/aws.sqs;

configurable string accessKeyId = ?;
configurable string secretAccessKey = ?;
configurable string region = ?;
configurable string accountNumber = ?;

public function main(string... args) {

    // Add the SQS credentials as the Configuration
    sqs:Configuration configuration = {
        accessKey: accessKeyId,
        secretKey: secretAccessKey,
        region: region,
        accountNumber: accountNumber

    sqs:Client sqsClient = new(configuration);

    // Declare common variables
    string queueResourcePath = "";
    string receivedReceiptHandler = "";

    // Create a new SQS standard queue named "myQueue"
    map<string> attributes = {};
    string|error response1 = sqsClient->createQueue("myQueue", attributes);
    if (response1 is string) {
        log:printInfo("Created queue URL: " + response1);
        // Keep the queue URL for future operations
        queueResourcePath = sqs:splitString(response1, "", 1);
    } else {
        log:printInfo("Error occurred while creating a queue");

    // Send a message to the created queue
    attributes = {};
    attributes["MessageAttribute.1.Name"] = "Name1";
    attributes["MessageAttribute.1.Value.StringValue"] = "Value1";
    attributes["MessageAttribute.1.Value.DataType"] = "String";
    attributes["MessageAttribute.2.Name"] = "Name2";
    attributes["MessageAttribute.2.Value.StringValue"] = "Value2";
    attributes["MessageAttribute.2.Value.DataType"] = "String";
    string queueUrl = "";
    sqs:OutboundMessage|error response2 = sqsClient->sendMessage("Sample text message.", queueResourcePath,
    if (response2 is sqs:OutboundMessage) {
        log:printInfo("Sent message to SQS. MessageID: " + response2.messageId);

    // Receive a message from the queue
    string[] attributeNames = ["SenderId"];
    string[] messageAttributeNames = ["Name2"];
    sqs:InboundMessage[]|error response2 = sqs->receiveMessage(standardQueueResourcePath, 10, 2, 1);
    if (response3 is sqs:InboundMessage[] && response3.length() > 0) {
        log:printInfo("Successfully received the message. Message body: " + response3[0].body);
        log:printInfo("\nReceipt Handle: " + response3[0].receiptHandle);
        // Keep receipt handle for deleting the message from the queue
        receivedReceiptHandler = response3[0].receiptHandle;

    // Delete the received the message from the queue
    error? response4 = sqsClient->deleteMessage(queueResourcePath, receivedReceiptHandler);
    if (response4 is ()) {
        log:printInfo("Successfully deleted the message from the queue.");

    // Delete the queue
    error? response5 = sqsClient->deleteQueue(queueResourcePath);
    if (response is ()) {
        log:printInfo("Successfully deleted the queue.");

Managing SQS FIFO Queue

This example describes how a SQS FIFO Queue is created, a message is sent to it, received from the queue, and deleted from the queue.

import ballerina/log;
import ballerinax/aws.sqs;

configurable string accessKeyId = ?;
configurable string secretAccessKey = ?;
configurable string region = ?;
configurable string accountNumber = ?;

public function main(string... args) {

    // Add the SQS credentials as the Configuration
    sqs:Configuration configuration = {
        accessKey: accessKeyId,
        secretKey: secretAccessKey,
        region: region,
        accountNumber: accountNumber

    sqs:Client sqsClient = check new (configuration);

    // Declare common variables
    string queueResourcePath = "";
    string receivedReceiptHandler = "";

    // Create a new SQS FIFO queue named "demo.fifo"
    map<string> attributes = {};
    attributes["VisibilityTimeout"] = "400";
    attributes["FifoQueue"] = "true";

    string|error response1 = sqsClient->createQueue("demo.fifo", attributes);
    if (response1 is string) {
        log:printInfo("Created queue URL: " + response1);
        // Keep the queue URL for future operations
        queueResourcePath = sqs:splitString(response1, "", 1);

    // Send a message to the created queue
    attributes = {};
    attributes["MessageAttribute.1.Name"] = "Name1";
    attributes["MessageAttribute.1.Value.StringValue"] = "Value1";
    attributes["MessageAttribute.1.Value.DataType"] = "String";
    attributes["MessageAttribute.2.Name"] = "Name2";
    attributes["MessageAttribute.2.Value.StringValue"] = "Value2";
    attributes["MessageAttribute.2.Value.DataType"] = "String";
    string queueUrl = "";
    sqs:OutboundMessage|error response2 = sqsClient->sendMessage("Sample text message.", queueResourcePath,
        attributes, "grpID1", "dupID1");
    if (response2 is sqs:OutboundMessage) {
        log:printInfo("Sent message to SQS. MessageID: " + response2.messageId);

    // Receive a message from the queue
    string[] attributeNames = ["SenderId"];
    string[] messageAttributeNames = ["N1", "N2"];
    sqs:InboundMessage[]|error response3 = sqs->receiveMessage(fifoQueueResourcePath, 1, 600, 2, attributeNames, messageAttributeNames);
    if (response3 is sqs:InboundMessage[] && response3.length() > 0) {
        log:printInfo("Successfully received the message. Message body: " + response3[0].body);
        log:printInfo("\nReceipt Handle: " + response3[0].receiptHandle);
        // Keep receipt handle for deleting the message from the queue
        receivedReceiptHandler = response3[0].receiptHandle;

    // Delete the received the message from the queue
    error? response4 = sqsClient->deleteMessage(queueResourcePath, receivedReceiptHandler);
    if (response4 is ()) {
        log:printInfo("Successfully deleted the message from the queue.");

    // Delete the queue
    error? response5 = sqsClient->deleteQueue(queueResourcePath);
    if (response is ()) {
        log:printInfo("Successfully deleted the queue.");

Pull the Module

You can pull the Amazon SQS client from Ballerina Central:

$ bal pull ballerinax/aws.sqs

Building the Source

Execute the commands below to build from the source after installing Ballerina SLBeta3 version.

  1. Clone this repository using the following command:

    $ git clone
  2. Run this command from the module-ballerinax-aws.sqs root directory:

    $ bal build
  3. To build the module without the tests:

    bal build --skip-tests

Contributing to Ballerina

As an open source project, Ballerina welcomes contributions from the community.

For more information, go to the contribution guidelines.

Code of Conduct

All the contributors are encouraged to read the Ballerina Code of Conduct.

How you can contribute

As an open source project, we welcome contributions from the community. Check the issue tracker for open issues that interest you. We look forward to receiving your contributions.


import ballerinax/aws.sqs;Copy


Released date: over 2 years ago

Version: 0.99.6

License: Apache-2.0


Platform: java11

Ballerina version: slbeta3

Pull count

Total: 2412

Current verison: 7

Weekly downloads

Source repository









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